How to revegetate a pergola ?
Planting a pergola is like giving it a coat of greenery. On the roof, choose plants that provide pleasant, natural shade. Imagine a green roof made of broad or dense leaves, like those of hop, ivy or Virginia creeper. These plants transform your pergola into a cool oasis on hot summer days.
Add a touch of whimsy with hanging cluster plants, such as wisteria with its majestic flowers or grapevines with their juicy fruit. These hanging plants give the impression of a garden floating above your head, a natural and soothing sight.
Vegetalizing a pergola
The orientation of your pergola is crucial for planting. Half-shade is ideal. Imagine orienting your pergola towards the west, allowing it to bask in the shade in the morning and bathe in the golden light of the afternoon and evening. This balance of shade and sun creates the perfect environment for a variety of climbing plants. They'll benefit from the morning mildness to develop and the afternoon sun to flourish, like an artist who finds inspiration between light and shade.
What's the best plant to cover a pergola?
For a lush pergola, a variety of climbing plants stand out. Iprime, with its colorful flowers, or Black-eyed Susan, add a touch of cheerfulness. Cobia and clematis offer a refined elegance, while honeysuckle and star jasmine perfume the air with their intoxicating scents. Aubert's knotweed, on the other hand, is a true force of nature, growing rapidly to cover your pergola generously. These plants will transform your pergola into a tableau vivant, a spectacle of color and fragrance that evolves with the seasons.
Which is the fastest-growing vine?
If you can't wait to see your pergola transformed into a vertical garden, some climbing plants are sprinters in the plant world. Virginia creeper, with its flamboyant foliage, and grapevine, generous with fruit, are popular choices. Honeysuckle and akebia, with their delicate flowers, clematis montana and armandii, robust ivy, exotic passionflower and majestic wisteria are also good candidates. Aubert's knotweed, however, is the undisputed champion, capable of rapidly covering large areas with verdant abundance. These climbing plants are like garden superheroes, quickly and effectively transforming your pergola into a haven of nature.