How do you make a pergola for kiwifruit?
Option 1: The double pergola Why settle for one pergola when you can have two? Picture this: two majestic structures in the shape of a cross, standing proudly at a height of 2.5 metres. Each arm of the cross is 1.5 metres wide, and they face each other, 5 metres apart. A real palace for your kiwis!
Option 2: The DIY pergola in 4 steps :
- Site preparation Before you embark on this adventure, make sure the ground is ready. A bit like baking a cake, except you can't eat it.
- Main trunk construction The backbone of your pergola. Solid, reliable, a bit like a garden structure superhero.
- Branches and framework : Here, you play architect and carpenter. A cross between Leonardo da Vinci and Bob the Builder.
- Installation of wire and support rods Like the strings of a guitar, they will support the melody of your garden, with kiwis as musical notes.
How to make a kiwifruit stand

Wire selection Forget flimsy wire: we're talking about fairly thick wire capable of supporting the weight of your kiwifruit, a bit like a garden weightlifter. Place spacers every 2 metres, 40 to 50 cm apart, to keep the wires away from the wall. It's a bit like creating a breathing space for your plants.
How to support kiwifruit?

The trellising method As with vines, use several wires stretched along a wall. These wires should be garden Hercules, sturdy and well anchored. Imagine delicately attaching this year's shoots to the support, without coiling them, as if gently guiding them towards the sun.
How far apart are 2 kiwifruit plants?

Spacing and planting For optimum sunlight, maintain a royal distance of 2.5 metres between each Kiwifruit plant. Think of the pollination dance: one male and one female plant, or opt for a self-fertilizing Kiwifruit variety, like a soloist in a symphony.
In short, building a pergola for kiwifruit is a bit like creating an oasis in your garden, a place where nature and structure meet to create something beautiful and productive. Good luck with your gardening adventure!